A Necessity, and its Benefits!
The train is moving. New technologies have entered the real estate arena, favored by individuals and professionals alike.
It’s no longer a question of if you should digitize your communication, but when should it be done? If you’re still unsure about the usefulness of this digital approach, Webeuz has selected some compelling arguments for you.
Enjoy reading!
1) Customer First
Today, it doesn’t take an expert to see the fierce competition in the real estate sector. There are many developers, plenty of clients, and projects of various sizes and importance across the Kingdom. In the real estate jungle, you need to be strong, present, and imposing. You must stand out, leave an impression, and attract prospects. How can this be achieved?
Let’s ask a simple question: What is the buying process for someone looking to purchase real estate?
Regardless of the client’s profile—financial capacity, family situation, age, or any other socio-professional criteria—the first step in acquiring real estate is information search.
Just a few years ago, clients would typically turn either to well-known real estate developers or to intermediaries (“Samsars”). Nowadays, it’s unthinkable not to conduct your own online research before engaging external agents.
It’s crucial to understand that the ball is no longer in the companies’ court. The customer is first and foremost an internet user, adept at online searches, product comparisons, and reading personal opinions on forums… Real estate promotion is meaningless if it’s not where its target audience is. Hence, on the web, your company’s flagship is undoubtedly its website—well-presented, well-constructed, well-indexed: employing various techniques and processes will give you a significant edge online. Additionally, promoting on popular platforms where your clients gather is essential.
2) Think Community
Of course, it’s not about investing in every website and trendy application on the internet. It’s straightforward: you’re aiming to capture an increasingly (and inevitably) connected clientele. Poor resource allocation, such as an irrelevant advertising campaign, will likely result in transient prospects and few to no qualified leads. In other words, no confirmed customers purchasing your products.
The idea is to study the market, understand customer information search and consumption habits. For instance, it’s well-known that nearly 94% of internet users in Morocco have a Facebook account. Hence, an initial suggestion would be to invest in Facebook advertising campaigns. However, upon closer inspection, we can easily deduce that 94% of Moroccan internet users are not actively searching for real estate. Therefore, a more relevant criterion than mere online presence is necessary. You’ll need to select pages useful for your commercial purposes and implement a more pertinent SEO strategy… In short: invest wisely. One such proposal is to allocate part of your investment to a visually-focused social network like Instagram. This method has already proven successful for major real estate groups in the US and Europe. Instagram, with its high community interaction rate and visual appeal, perfectly suits this strategic investment approach. A small bonus: Instagram has been owned by Facebook since 2012 and integrates seamlessly with its advertising tools.
In essence, you need to engage with the customer. On the web, the customer is never alone. They seek interaction and community. It’s your role to build a community around your brand. This becomes easier if you ensure customer satisfaction. Customers no longer trust companies blindly; they seek feedback from other customers who have used the same service. Therefore, offer a quality product and create a platform for exchange between your customers and your company.
3) Think Content
It goes without saying that a digital communication strategy isn’t just about posting pretty photos on social media. Today, it’s essential to create tailored content for your audience. This includes articles, blogs, eBooks, white papers, games, contests, surveys, posts… on diverse and varied topics to capture public attention. Your audience won’t just consist of potential buyers but also other professionals in the sector. Establishing yourself as an authority in a specific field is always beneficial as it opens doors to partnerships and facilitates exchanges. Ultimately, your reputation will grow.
This final point is crucial: a good communication strategy aims not only to convert prospects into customers but also to establish your presence in the sector, to make yourself known, and to strengthen your position in consumers’ minds. Thus, the content you provide serves not just as a sales pitch but, more subtly, to build a community around your brand, foster exchanges, and encourage sharing, thereby reinforcing the aforementioned community.
4) Think Interactive
A significant advantage of digitalization is its ability to offer communication platforms that were previously inaccessible, even unimaginable. Take Instagram, for example—you can post enough photos and videos to give potential clients a complete idea of their future purchase. Moreover, you can offer prospects a virtual tour of their future home. This simple yet effective approach ensures a positive impact, particularly in Morocco, where more people are looking to diversify their property purchases in other cities. Another recent example, implemented by our client GARAN, is organizing private sales events to boost interest and sales simultaneously (www.victorypark.ma/vente-privee/): an approach that’s been around for a while but completely transformed and facilitated by the advent of new technologies.
On the other hand, foresight is crucial. The rise of platform economies, seen worldwide across various sectors, means that individuals are increasingly bypassing paid services provided by professionals. Disintermediation is growing, with Avito being a concrete local example. This trend can be highly beneficial for real estate companies and agents if they can anticipate and meet customer demands. Once again, the solution lies in being present—not just to inform individuals about your products but also to understand their desires and adapt your offerings accordingly.
This point is exceptionally important. Intermediaries are fading away, streamlining the purchasing process for customers. However, they once played advisory and support roles. Today, professionals must step in. A functional digital communication strategy allows you to engage with future clients, enabling them to ask questions and receive answers. We cannot stress enough the importance of your sales service, which complements every level of an effective communication strategy.
5) Think Future
You must seek out the customer. Adapt to the customer. Interact with the customer. That’s already a lot. But is it enough? No. You must anticipate.
One of the advantages Moroccan real estate professionals have is their ability to draw from global examples. What happens elsewhere will happen here. That’s globalization for you. This isn’t about vague predictions but observed facts across all sectors. There’s no difference between Moroccan, European, or Canadian internet users: all seek quality, rely on customer testimonials, compare before buying, and demand responsiveness… The digitalization of services includes all aspects, and everyone in real estate—agents, developers, builders, investors, associations, individuals, and even the intermediaries now prevalent on buying forums—is affected by this globalization. Global trends converge towards increased resource sharing and enriched individual experiences.
One of the main advantages of digitalization, besides meeting current consumer needs, is its evolutionary potential. Digital platforms allow you to track, quantify, observe actions, reactions, and behaviors of your targets. An array of measurement and analytical tools are at your disposal. You can conduct comprehensive studies with a few clicks, produce meaningful statistics, and inform your services with results… Furthermore, if digital devices allow you to measure, they also enable you to analyze. And thus, to predict and respond.
Predict and respond. These are the guiding principles of any business strategy. In the future, real estate will need to meet more human and technological demands. Expertise in the digital realm is now absolutely essential to facilitate change and ensure the viability of your real estate offerings.